Afrikaans is a South African language originating from the Dutch who were settled in Africa in seventeenth century. This is the most dominant South African language and is spoken by the majority of white and Coloured South Africans, and South African English. English has a large role in public and commercial life; it is nevertheless only the fifth most-spoken home language. Due to effect of British colonization a huge population of Africa can speak English. Afrikaans is one of eleven official languages of Africa.
At Earth Lingua, New Delhi Japanese translation is done at its best form. We offer quality Japanese translation with the help of a wide range of experienced multilingual native Japanese translators. We assure you that after final translation your document will read perfectly to a native Japanese speaker. Our strong network of translators can translate from and into many Asian, European and African languages like Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Greek, German, Afrikaans and Albanian etc.