Mathura is a very old city where Krishna (highly known, completely loved and most complex of Lord Vishnu's Avatar) was born 5000 years ago. A Buddhist center was developed in Mathura during the rule of the Mauryas dynasty. This center existed for a few millennia. Mahmud Ghazni, A Muslim invader, attacked Mathura in 1018. He robbed all the riches of the Deities, ornaments, diamonds, gold and silver. He then destroyed the temples. It took his men 20 days to create pillaging chaos, and reduced it to rubble. He imprisoned 6,000 civilians and stole over 30 million rupees. Mathura today has one of the biggest oil refineries. Textile industry that performs Sari-printing and Fabric dyeing, which is another major industry of the region. Its industries also include water tap production units and decorative items. This city which stands even after the "test of time" has a vast qualified Chinese Interpreters for Translation Agency.