This ancient city was a part of the Gupta Dynasty under Samudra gupta, who was considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses. From the cultural, historical ,theological and archeological perspective Ghaziabad is a city with a deep history. Excavation carried out on the bank of river Hindon, 2 km from Mohan Nagar reflects that Gupta civilization was developed here .It was initially part of the Meerut district after independence, due to political intervention; Ghaziabad was separated and given a new district status. The city got a new name from Ghazi-ud-din, who called it Ghaziuddinnagar who had over thrown its previous ruler. Later the name was shortened to Ghaziabad to suit the modern society. It is a large industrial city wired by roads and railways. It has a developed itself as an industrial community and has many Engineering and medical collages as well. This proves that Ghaziabad has a big resource of Chinese Interpreters, which can deliver high quality results for a Translation Company.